Date*: Choose the term of your game.
Place*: Outdoor Paintball – Army Park OřechovIndoor – Paintball Arena, Brno – Kr. PoleIndoor – Paintball Hall, Brno – HusoviceOther – specify in note field
Time of coming*: not specified8.00 AM8.30 AM9.00 AM9.30 AM10.00 AM10.30 AM11.00 AM11.30 AM12.00 PM12.30 PM01.00 PM01.30 PM02.00 PM02.30 PM03.00 PM03.30 PM04.00 PM04.30 PM05.00 PM
Number of players*: 9 or less (specify in note field)101112131415161718192021–2526–3031–3536–4041–4546–5051–6061–7071–8081–9091–100101–150151–200
Are you interested in a passenger transport from Brno to Army Park and back? YesNo
Are you interested in any refreshment? YesNo
Time of coming*: not specified8.00 AM8.30 AM9.00 AM9.30 AM10.00 AM10.30 AM11.00 AM11.30 AM12.00 PM12.30 PM01.00 PM01.30 PM02.00 PM02.30 PM03.00 PM03.30 PM04.00 PM04.30 PM05.00 PM05.30 PM06.00 PM06.30 PM07.00 PM07.30 PM08.00 PM08.30 PM09.00 PM
Number of players*: 678910111213141516more than 16 (specify in note field)
Playing time*: 1 hour2 hoursThis is pure game time. We reccommend to play 2 hours if you are more than 12 players.
Number of players*: 8910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940
Playing time*: 1 hour2 hours3 hoursThis is pure game time. We reccommend to play 2 hours if you are more than 14 players.
Number of players: less than 1212131415161718192021–2526–3031–3536–4041–4546–5051–6061–7071–8081–9091–100101–150151–200
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Ponechte toto pole prázdné.
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